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Schedule iOS

💻 Setup

In your project, add the following lines to your Podfile:

source '' # Default Cocoapods URL
source '' # Schedule podspec URL

  pod 'ScheduleSDK', '3.10.2' # Schedule Pod definition

# Required for XCFramework
post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'

Using your CLI, run pod install in your project directory.

👨‍💻 Implementation


Make sure to read the modules configuration section before proceeding

This module is set up by calling Schedule.shared.initialize() method which takes the following parameters:

Name Required Description Type Example
coverage Navitia coverage String fr-idf
env Navitia environment String PROD
colors Define the custom colors ScheduleColorsConfiguration -
fonts Use custom fonts ScheduleFontsConfiguration -
lineResources List of transport lines resource IDs [LineResource] -
modeResources List of transport modes resource IDs [ModeResource] -
transportCategories List of supported transport modes [TransportCategory] -
networkResources List of network resource IDs [NetworkResource] -
features Enable/disable some features ScheduleFeaturesConfiguration -

You can also call the initialize() method with the global JSON configuration file added to your application bundle:

Name Required Description Type Example
configurationJsonFile Global configuration JSON file name String configuration.json


do {
    try Schedule.shared.initialize(
        token: "your_token", 
        configurationJsonFile: "schedule_configuration.json"
} catch {
    Logger.error("%@", String(
        format: "Schedule SDK cannot be initialized! %@", 
do {
    let transportCategories = [TransportCategory(
        modules: ["schedule"],
        iconRes: "ic_section_mode_metro",
        nameRes: "metro",
        selected: true,
        modes: [TransportCategoryMode(
            physical: TransportPhysicalMode(
                id: "physical_mode:Metro", 
                nameRes: "metro"
            commercial: TransportCommercialMode(
                id: "commercial_mode:Metro", 
                name: "Metro"
        firstSectionModes: ["walking"],
        lastSectionModes: ["walking"]

    let scheduleColorsConfiguration = ScheduleColorsConfiguration(
        primaryColor: "#88819f", 
        secondaryColor: "#8faa96"

    try Schedule.shared.initialize(
        coverage: "fr-idf",
        token: "your_token",
        env: "PROD",
        colors: scheduleColorsConfiguration,
        transportCategories: transportCategories
} catch {
    Logger.error("%@", String(
        format: "Schedule SDK cannot be initialized! %@", 

Events tracking

In order to receive the list of generated events within Schedule module, you have to assign the instance of the tracker to the Schedule module instance as follows and implement the required methods:

Schedule.shared.tracker = self

🚀 Launching

This module has a single entry point. The parameter showBack handles the back button visibility on the first screen.

guard let scheduleViewController = Schedule.shared.rootViewController else {
    return nil
scheduleViewController.showBack = false // Hide back button embedded in the first screen

If you want to use the rootViewController as a ChildViewController of your ViewController, you should embed it in an NavigationController.

navigationController?.pushViewController(scheduleViewController, animated: false)
    rootViewController: scheduleViewController

📣 Communicating with other modules

Schedule module navigate to other modules directly.
To do this, the host application must initialize Router. This singleton will ensure communication between the different modules. Communication will not occur unless those are registered beforehand:

try Router.shared
    .register(schedule: Schedule.shared.scheduleRouter)
    ... // Register modules and/or app



Schedule module communicates with Bookmark module in order to display favorite stations. You should enable the bookmark_mode parameter in the features configuration.

Bookmark module must be registered in the Router to build the connection between these modules

Router.shared.register(bookmark: Bookmark.shared.bookmarkRouter)


This module communicates with Journey module in order to get directions for a chosen itinerary. You should enable the go_from_go_to parameter in the features configuration.

Bookmark module must be registered in the Router to build the connection between these modules

Router.shared.register(journey: JourneySdk.shared.journeyRouter)