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Journey iOS

💻 Setup

In your project, add the following lines to your Podfile:

source '' # Default Cocoapods URL
source '' # Journey podspec URL

  pod 'JourneySDK', '5.17.4' # Journey Pod definition

# Required for XCFramework
post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'

Using your CLI, run pod install in your project directory.

👨‍💻 Implementation


Make sure to read the modules configuration section before proceeding!

This module is set up by calling JourneySdk.shared.initialize() method which takes the following parameters:

Name Required Description Type Example
coverage Navitia coverage String fr-idf
env Navitia environment String PROD
colors Define the custom colors JourneyColorsConfiguration -
fonts Use custom fonts JourneyFontsConfiguration -
lineResources List of transport lines resource IDs [LineResource] -
modeResources List of transport modes resource IDs [ModeResource] -
transportCategories List of supported transport modes [TransportCategory] -
providerResources Transport providers configuration [ProviderResource] -
titleResources Screens titles customization JourneyTitlesResources -
features Enable/disable some features JourneyFeaturesConfiguration -

You can also call the initialize() method with the global JSON configuration file added to your application bundle:

Name Required Description Type Example
configurationJsonFile Global configuration JSON file name String configuration.json


do {
    try JourneySdk.shared.initialize(
        token: "your_token", 
        configurationJsonFile: "journey_configuration.json"
} catch {
    Logger.error("%@", String(
        format: "Journey SDK cannot be initialized! %@", 
do {
    let transportCategories = [TransportCategory(
        modules: ["journey"],
        iconRes: "ic_section_mode_metro",
        nameRes: "metro",
        selected: true,
        modes: [TransportCategoryMode(
            physical: TransportPhysicalMode(id "physical_mode:Metro"),
            commercial: TransportCommercialMode(
                id: "commercial_mode:Metro", 
                name: "Metro"
        networks: [],
        firstSectionModes: ["walking"],
        lastSectionModes: ["walking"],
        directPathModes: ["walking"],
        addPoiInfos: []
    let journeyColorsConfiguration = JourneyColorsConfiguration(
        primary: "#88819f", 
        secondary: "#8faa96"

    try JourneySdk.shared.initialize(
        coverage: "fr-idf",
        token: "your_token",
        env: "PROD",
        colors: journeyColorsConfiguration,
        transportCategories: transportCategories
} catch {
    Logger.error("%@", String(
        format: "Journey SDK cannot be initialized! %@", 

Events tracking

In order to receive the list of generated events within Journey module, you have to assign the instance of the tracker to the Journey module instance as follows and implement the required methods:

JourneySdk.shared.tracker = self

🚀 Launching

This module has a single entry point. The parameter showBack handles the back button visibility on the first screen.

guard let journeyViewController = JourneySdk.shared.rootViewController else {
  return nil
journeyViewController.showBack = false // Hide back button embedded in the first screen

If you want to use the rootViewController as a ChildViewController of your ViewController, you should embed it in an NavigationController.

navigationController?.pushViewController(journeyViewController, animated: false)
    rootViewController: journeyViewController


The JourneysRequest object allows to configure the first itinerary search at screen launch. It has the following parameters:

Name Description Type Default
additionalTimeAfterFirstSectionTaxi Additional time after first taxi section Int nil
additionalTimeBeforeLastSectionTaxi Additional time before last taxi section Int nil
allowedId Allowed Navitia object IDs Set<String> []
bikeSpeed Bike speed Float nil
bssSpeed BSS speed Float nil
carNoParkSpeed Car no park speed Float nil
carSpeed Car speed Float nil
count The number of journeys to be displayed Int nil
dataFreshness To indicate if theoretical or realtime data are requested DataFreshness .base_schedule
dateTime Requested date and time for journey results DateTime nil
dateTimeRepresents Whether the datetime represents the departure or arrival DateTimeRepresents .departure
depth The request depth Int nil
destinationId Destination Navitia ID String ""
destinationLabel Destination label, if not set the address will be displayed String ""
directPath Set the direct path of the journey DirectPath .indifferent
disruptionActive Check on Navitia Bool nil
equipmentDetails Check on Navitia Bool nil
freeRadiusFrom Check on Navitia Int nil
freeRadiusTo Check on Navitia Int nil
isJourneySchedules Check on Navitia Bool nil
maxBikeDirectPathDuration Check on Navitia Int nil
maxBikeDurationToPt Check on Navitia Int nil
maxBssDirectPathDuration Check on Navitia Int nil
maxBssDurationToPt Check on Navitia Int nil
maxCarDirectPathDuration Check on Navitia Int nil
maxCarDurationToPt Check on Navitia Int nil
maxCarNoParkDirectPathDuration Check on Navitia Int nil
maxCarNoParkDurationToPt Check on Navitia Int nil
maxDuration Check on Navitia Int nil
maxDurationToPt Check on Navitia Int nil
maxNbJourneys The max number of journeys to be displayed Int nil
maxNbTransfers The max number of public transport transfers Int nil
maxRidesharingDirectPathDuration Check on Navitia Int nil
maxRidesharingDurationToPt Check on Navitia Int nil
maxTaxiDirectPathDuration Check on Navitia Int nil
maxTaxiDurationToPt Check on Navitia Int nil
maxWaitingDuration Check on Navitia Int nil
maxWalkingDirectPathDuration Check on Navitia Int nil
maxWalkingDurationToPt Check on Navitia Int nil
minNbJourneys The min number of journeys to be displayed Int nil
minNbTransfers The min number of public transport transfers Int nil
originId Origin Navitia ID String ""
originLabel Origin label, if not set the address will be displayed String ""
ridesharingSpeed Ridesharing speed Float nil
taxiSpeed Taxi speed Float nil
timeframeDuration Taxi speed Int nil
travelerType Traveler type TravelerType .standard
walkingSpeed Walking speed Float nil
wheelchair Check on Navitia Bool nil


Enum value Description
base_schedule Get disrupted journeys with the given results
realtime Avoid disrupted journeys


Enum value Description
arrival The requestd datetime represents the arrival of the journey
departure The requested datetime represents the departure of the journey


Enum value Description
indifferent Default value
none For journeys using some public transport
only For journeys without public transport
onlyWithAlternatives For journeys with specific bike


Enum value Description
fast_walker Fast walker
luggage With luggage
slow_walker Slow walker
standard Standard profile
wheelchair Using wheelchair

📣 Communicating with other modules or the app

Bookmark module can exchange data with or navigate to either other modules or the host application.
To do this, the host application must initialize Router. This singleton will ensure communication between the different modules or the app. Communication will not occur unless those are registered beforehand:

try Router.shared
    .register(journey: JourneySdk.shared.journeyRouter)
    ... // Register modules and/or app


Result journeys / Roadmap view injection

You can inject some external view that will be shown inside the journey module screens. In order to make it happen, you need to add the reference to the injectableViewDelegate as follows:

JourneySdk.shared.injectableViewDelegate = self

The protocol provides the following methods:

func allowExternalViewInjectionFor(screen: InjectableScreen, inputData: Any?) -> ExternalViewInjectionState {
    // Allow or not the external view injection
func buildExternalViewFor(screen: InjectableScreen, inputData: Any?) -> UIView? {
    // Put the view that needs to be injected in the injectable screen


The inputData can be of type:

  • SharedJourneysScreenData if the injectable screen is listJourneys
  • SharedRoadmapScreenData if the injectable screen is roadmap


Name Description Type
journeysRequest The request parameters object JourneysRequest
hasResults Whether the request has results or not Bool
selectedFilterType The selected tab TransportModesFilterType


Name Description Type
journeysRequest The request parameters object JourneysRequest
selectedJourney The selected journey data SharedSelectedJourneyModel


Name Description Type
departureTime The departure time Date
arrivalTime The arrival time Date
departureAddress The departure address String
arrivalAddress The arrival address String
departureCoordinates The departure coordinates CLLocationCoordinate2D
arrivalCoordinates The arrival coordinates CLLocationCoordinate2D
sections The list of journey sections [SectionModel]


Name Description Type
departureTime The departure time Date
arrivalTime The arrival time Date
departureAddress The departure address String
arrivalAddress The arrival address String
departureCoordinates The departure coordinates CLLocationCoordinate2D
arrivalCoordinates The arrival coordinates CLLocationCoordinate2D
mobilityType The mobility type MobilityType
distance The distance in meters Int
duration The duration in seconds Int
additionalInformation The extra section information if the mobility type allows it Any?


Please note that the additionalInformation object can be of type:

  • StreetNetworkSectionModel if the mobilityType is streetNetwork
  • PublicTransportSectionModel if the mobilityType is public_transport
  • CarParkingSectionModel if the mobilityType is carParking

Roadmap actions

You can add some actions to the roadmap screen which can be configured using this appropriate delegate:

JourneySdk.shared.delegate = self

The designated protocol offers the following methods:

func allowedRoadmapScreenActionsFor(inputData: SharedRoadmapScreenData) -> AllowedRoadmapScreenActions {
    // Define the allowed actions on the roadmap screen

func onPrimaryButtonActionTriggered(inputData: SharedRoadmapScreenData) {
    // Handle primary action button click

func onSecondaryButtonActionTriggered(inputData: SharedRoadmapScreenData) {
    // Handle secondary action button click

Roadmap navigation

A journey may include sections for driving, walking, or cycling. This module provides the option in the Roadmap screen to enhance navigation accuracy using data from an external service.
To enable this feature, first enable the external_navigation parameter in the features configuration. Then, implement the following method:

func onLaunchExternalNavigationApp(from: CLLocationCoordinate2D, to: CLLocationCoordinate2D, navigationMode: JourneyExternalNavigationMode) {
    // launch your external navigation service screen or your custom screen
Param Type Description
from LatLng Section departure coordinates
toCoords LatLng Section arrival coordinates
navigationMode JourneyExternalNavigationMode Section navigation mode


JourneyExternalNavigationMode has 3 modes of transportation that describe the section: bike, car, and walking.




Journey module communicates with Bookmark module in order to display favorite stations, journeys and POIs. You should enable the bookmark_mode parameter in the features configuration.


The following methods from the CustomJourneyBookmarkDelegate interface should be implemented by the host application to enable navigation to the Bookmark module or any other custom screen. Note that the parameters of these methods can be omitted as needed.


If you don't implement this protocol, the Bookmark module will be shown.

This method is called after click on the favorite home shortcut button, in case it is empty.

func onHomeAddressCompletionRequested(module: Router.BookmarkLinkedModule) {
    // launch the bookmark module screen or your custom screen
Param Type Description Value
module Router.BookmarkLinkedModule Module triggering the method call Router.BookmarkLinkedModule.aroundMe or Router.BookmarkLinkedModule.journey

This method is called after click on the favorite work shortcut button, in case it is empty.

func onWorkAddressCompletionRequested(module: Router.BookmarkLinkedModule) {
    // launch the bookmark module screen or your custom screen
Param Type Description Value
module Router.BookmarkLinkedModule Module triggering the method call Router.BookmarkLinkedModule.aroundMe or Router.BookmarkLinkedModule.journey