Name | Type | Note |
comment | String | [optional] |
commercialModes | [CommercialMode] | [optional] |
stopArea | StopArea | [optional] |
links | [LinkSchema] | |
accessPoints | [PathWay] | [optional] |
physicalModes | [PhysicalMode] | [optional] |
lines | [Line] | [optional] |
comments | [Comment] | [optional] |
label | String | [optional] |
equipments | [Equipments] | |
codes | [Code] | [optional] |
coord | Coord | [optional] |
equipmentDetails | [EquipmentDetails] | [optional] |
address | Address | [optional] |
fareZone | FareZone | [optional] |
administrativeRegions | [Admin] | [optional] |
id | String | Identifier of the object |
name | String | Name of the object |
Name | Value |
wheelchairAccessibility | has_wheelchair_accessibility |
bikeAccepted | has_bike_accepted |
airConditioned | has_air_conditioned |
visualAnnouncement | has_visual_announcement |
audibleAnnouncement | has_audible_announcement |
appropriateEscort | has_appropriate_escort |
appropriateSignage | has_appropriate_signage |
schoolVehicle | has_school_vehicle |
wheelchairBoarding | has_wheelchair_boarding |
sheltered | has_sheltered |
elevator | has_elevator |
escalator | has_escalator |
bikeDepot | has_bike_depot |