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Name Type Note
links [LinkSchema]
departureDateTime String Departure date and time of the section [optional]
baseDepartureDateTime String Base-schedule departure date and time of the section [optional]
dataFreshness DataFreshness [optional]
duration Int Duration of the section (seconds)
id String
from Place [optional]
arrivalDateTime String Arrival date and time of the section [optional]
additionalInformations [AdditionalInformations] [optional]
geojson SectionGeoJsonSchema GeoJSON of the shape of the section [optional]
ridesharingInformations RidesharingInformation [optional]
to Place [optional]
baseArrivalDateTime String Base-schedule arrival date and time of the section [optional]
transferType TransferType [optional]
type ModelType [optional]
streetInformations [StreetInformation] [optional]
dynamicSpeeds [DynamicSpeed] [optional]
co2Emission Amount
path [Path] [optional]
cycleLaneLength Int [optional]
elevations [Elevation] [optional]
displayInformations VJDisplayInformation [optional]
mode Mode [optional]
ridesharingJourneys [Journey] [optional]
vias [PathWay] [optional]
stopDateTimes [StopDateTime] [optional]


Name Value
baseSchedule base_schedule
adaptedSchedule adapted_schedule
realtime realtime


Name Value
odtWithZone odt_with_zone
odtWithStopPoint odt_with_stop_point
odtWithStopTime odt_with_stop_time
hasDatetimeEstimated has_datetime_estimated
regular regular
stayIn stay_in


Name Value
walking walking
stayIn stay_in


Name Value
publicTransport public_transport
streetNetwork street_network
waiting waiting
transfer transfer
boarding boarding
landing landing
bssRent bss_rent
bssPutBack bss_put_back
crowFly crow_fly
park park
leaveParking leave_parking
alighting alighting
ridesharing ridesharing
onDemandTransport on_demand_transport


Name Value
walking walking
bike bike
car car
bss bss
ridesharing ridesharing
carnopark carnopark
taxi taxi