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Method HTTP request
getCoverageLonLatTrafficReports GET /coverage/{lon};{lat}/traffic_reports
getCoverageLonLatUriTrafficReports GET /coverage/{lon};{lat}/{uri}/traffic_reports
getCoverageRegionTrafficReports GET /coverage/{region}/traffic_reports
getCoverageRegionUriTrafficReports GET /coverage/{region}/{uri}/traffic_reports



Name Type Note
lat Double The latitude of where the coord you want to query
lon Double The longitude of where the coord you want to query
depth Int The depth of your object [optional] [default to 1]
count Int Number of objects per page [optional] [default to 10]
startPage Int The current page [optional]
forbiddenId [String] DEPRECATED, replaced by `forbidden_uris[]` [optional]
forbiddenUris [String] forbidden uris [optional]
distance Int Distance range of the query. Used only if a coord is in the query [optional] [default to 200]
disableGeojson Bool remove geojson from the response [optional]
since Date use disruptions valid after this date [optional]
until Date use disruptions valid before this date [optional]




    lat: 3.4, 
    lon: 3.4, 
    depth: 1, 
    count: 10, 
    startPage: 56, 
    forbiddenId: ["forbiddenId_example"], 
    forbiddenUris: ["forbiddenUris_example"], 
    distance: 200, 
    disableGeojson: true, 
    since: Date(), 
    until: Date()
) { result, rawData, error in
    if let error = error {
        // There was an error
    } else {
        // Use result Data or Raw Data



Name Type Note
lat Double The latitude of where the coord you want to query
lon Double The longitude of where the coord you want to query
uri String First part of the uri
depth Int The depth of your object [optional] [default to 1]
count Int Number of objects per page [optional] [default to 10]
startPage Int The current page [optional]
forbiddenId [String] DEPRECATED, replaced by `forbidden_uris[]` [optional]
forbiddenUris [String] forbidden uris [optional]
distance Int Distance range of the query. Used only if a coord is in the query [optional] [default to 200]
disableGeojson Bool remove geojson from the response [optional]
since Date use disruptions valid after this date [optional]
until Date use disruptions valid before this date [optional]




    lat: 3.4, 
    lon: 3.4, 
    uri: "uri_example", 
    depth: 1, 
    count: 10, 
    startPage: 56, 
    forbiddenId: ["forbiddenId_example"], 
    forbiddenUris: ["forbiddenUris_example"], 
    distance: 200, 
    disableGeojson: true, 
    since: Date(), 
    until: Date()
) { result, rawData, error in
    if let error = error {
        // There was an error
    } else {
        // Use result Data or Raw Data



Name Type Note
region String The region you want to query
depth Int The depth of your object [optional] [default to 1]
count Int Number of objects per page [optional] [default to 10]
startPage Int The current page [optional]
forbiddenId [String] DEPRECATED, replaced by `forbidden_uris[]` [optional]
forbiddenUris [String] forbidden uris [optional]
distance Int Distance range of the query. Used only if a coord is in the query [optional] [default to 200]
disableGeojson Bool remove geojson from the response [optional]
since Date use disruptions valid after this date [optional]
until Date use disruptions valid before this date [optional]




    region: "region_example", 
    depth: 1, 
    count: 10, 
    startPage: 56, 
    forbiddenId: ["forbiddenId_example"], 
    forbiddenUris: ["forbiddenUris_example"], 
    distance: 200, 
    disableGeojson: true, 
    since: Date(), 
    until: Date()
) { result, rawData, error in
    if let error = error {
        // There was an error
    } else {
        // Use result Data or Raw Data



Name Type Note
region String The region you want to query
uri String First part of the uri
depth Int The depth of your object [optional] [default to 1]
count Int Number of objects per page [optional] [default to 10]
startPage Int The current page [optional]
forbiddenId [String] DEPRECATED, replaced by `forbidden_uris[]` [optional]
forbiddenUris [String] forbidden uris [optional]
distance Int Distance range of the query. Used only if a coord is in the query [optional] [default to 200]
disableGeojson Bool remove geojson from the response [optional]
since Date use disruptions valid after this date [optional]
until Date use disruptions valid before this date [optional]




    region: "region_example", 
    uri: "uri_example", 
    depth: 1, 
    count: 10, 
    startPage: 56, 
    forbiddenId: ["forbiddenId_example"], 
    forbiddenUris: ["forbiddenUris_example"], 
    distance: 200, 
    disableGeojson: true, 
    since: Date(), 
    until: Date()
) { result, rawData, error in
    if let error = error {
        // There was an error
    } else {
        // Use result Data or Raw Data