Method | HTTP request |
getCoverageLonLatHeatMaps | GET /coverage/{lon};{lat}/heat_maps |
getCoverageRegionHeatMaps | GET /coverage/{region}/heat_maps |
Name | Type | Note |
lat | Double | The latitude of where the coord you want to query |
lon | Double | The longitude of where the coord you want to query |
from | String | The id of the departure of your journey. If not provided an isochrone is computed. [optional] |
to | String | The id of the arrival of your journey. If not provided an isochrone is computed. [optional] |
datetime | Date | Date and time to go/arrive (see `datetime_represents`). Note: the datetime must be in the coverage’s publication period. [optional] |
datetimeRepresents | String | Determine how datetime is handled. Possible values: * 'departure' - Compute journeys starting after datetime * 'arrival' - Compute journeys arriving before datetime [optional] [default to departure] [enum: arrival, departure] |
maxNbTransfers | Int | Maximum number of transfers in each journey [optional] |
minNbTransfers | Int | Minimum number of transfers in each journey [optional] |
firstSectionMode | [String] | Force the first section mode if the first section is not a public transport one. `bss` stands for bike sharing system. Note 1: It’s an array, you can give multiple modes. Note 2: Choosing `bss` implicitly allows the walking mode since you might have to walk to the bss station. Note 3: The parameter is inclusive, not exclusive, so if you want to forbid a mode, you need to add all the other modes. Eg: If you never want to use a car, you need: `first_section_mode[]=walking&first_section_mode[]=bss&first_section_mode[]=bike&last_section_mode[]=walking&last_section_mode[]=bss&last_section_mode[]=bike` [optional] [enum: taxi, walking, car_no_park, car, ridesharing, bss, bike] |
lastSectionMode | [String] | Same as first_section_mode but for the last section. [optional] [enum: taxi, walking, car_no_park, car, ridesharing, bss, bike] |
maxDurationToPt | Int | Maximum allowed duration to reach the public transport (same limit used before and after public transport). Use this to limit the walking/biking part. Unit is seconds [optional] |
maxWalkingDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of walking on public transport in second [optional] |
maxBikeDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of bike on public transport in second [optional] |
maxBssDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of bss on public transport in second [optional] |
maxCarDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of car on public transport in second [optional] |
maxRidesharingDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of ridesharing on public transport in second [optional] |
maxCarNoParkDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of car no park on public transport in second [optional] |
maxTaxiDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of taxi on public transport in second, only available in distributed scenario [optional] |
walkingSpeed | Float | Walking speed for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
bikeSpeed | Float | Biking speed for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
bssSpeed | Float | Speed while using a bike from a bike sharing system for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
carSpeed | Float | Driving speed for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
ridesharingSpeed | Float | ridesharing speed for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
carNoParkSpeed | Float | Driving speed without car park for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
taxiSpeed | Float | taxi speed speed for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
forbiddenUris | [String] | If you want to avoid lines, modes, networks, etc. Note: the forbidden_uris[] concern only the public transport objects. You can’t for example forbid the use of the bike with them, you have to set the fallback modes for this (first_section_mode[] and last_section_mode[]) [optional] |
allowedId | [String] | If you want to use only a small subset of the public transport objects in your solution. Note: The constraint intersects with forbidden_uris[]. For example, if you ask for `allowed_id[]=line:A&forbidden_uris[]=physical_mode:Bus`, only vehicles of the line A that are not buses will be used. [optional] |
disruptionActive | Bool | DEPRECATED, replaced by `data_freshness`. If true the algorithm takes the disruptions into account, and thus avoid disrupted public transport. Nota: `disruption_active=true` <=> `data_freshness=realtime` [optional] |
dataFreshness | String | Define the freshness of data to use to compute journeys. When using the following parameter `&data_freshness=base_schedule` you can get disrupted journeys in the response. You can then display the disruption message to the traveler and make a `realtime` request to get a new undisrupted solution. Possible values: * 'base_schedule' - Use theoric schedule information * 'adapted_schedule' - Use of adapted schedule information (like strike adjusting, etc.). Prefer `realtime` for traveler information as it will also contain adapted information schedule. * 'realtime' - Use all realtime information [optional] [enum: base_schedule, adapted_schedule, realtime] |
maxDuration | Int | Maximum duration of journeys in seconds (from `datetime` parameter). More usefull when computing an isochrone (only `from` or `to` is provided). On a classic journey (from-to), it will mostly speedup Navitia: You may have journeys a bit longer than that value (you would have to filter them). [optional] |
wheelchair | Bool | If true the traveler is considered to be using a wheelchair, thus only accessible public transport are used. Be warned: many data are currently too faint to provide acceptable answers with this parameter on. [optional] |
travelerType | String | Define speeds and accessibility values for different kind of people. Each profile also automatically determines appropriate first and last section modes to the covered area. Note: this means that you might get car, bike, etc. fallback routes even if you set `forbidden_uris[]`! You can overload all parameters (especially speeds, distances, first and last modes) by setting all of them specifically. We advise that you don’t rely on the traveler_type’s fallback modes (`first_section_mode[]` and `last_section_mode[]`) and set them yourself. [optional] [enum: cyclist, luggage, wheelchair, standard, motorist, fast_walker, slow_walker] |
directPath | String | Specify if direct path should be suggested [optional] [default to indifferent] [enum: indifferent, only, none, only_with_alternatives] |
freeRadiusFrom | Int | Radius length (in meters) around the coordinates of departure in which the stop points are considered free to go (crowfly=0) [optional] |
freeRadiusTo | Int | Radius length (in meters) around the coordinates of arrival in which the stop points are considered free to go (crowfly=0) [optional] |
directPathMode | [String] | Force the direct-path modes.If this list is not empty, we only compute direct_path for modes in this listAnd filter all the direct_paths of modes in first_section_mode[] [optional] [enum: taxi, walking, car_no_park, car, ridesharing, bss, bike] |
partnerServices | [String] | Expose only the partner type into the response. [optional] [enum: ridesharing] |
additionalTimeAfterFirstSectionTaxi | Int | the additional time added to the taxi section, right after riding the taxi but before hopping on the public transit [optional] |
additionalTimeBeforeLastSectionTaxi | Int | the additional time added to the taxi section, right before riding the taxi but after hopping off the public transit [optional] |
resolution | Int | Sampling resolution [optional] [default to 500] |
lat: 3.4,
lon: 3.4,
from: "from_example",
to: "to_example",
datetime: Date(),
datetimeRepresents: "departure",
maxNbTransfers: 56,
minNbTransfers: 56,
firstSectionMode: ["firstSectionMode_example"],
lastSectionMode: ["lastSectionMode_example"],
maxDurationToPt: 56,
maxWalkingDurationToPt: 56,
maxBikeDurationToPt: 56,
maxBssDurationToPt: 56,
maxCarDurationToPt: 56,
maxRidesharingDurationToPt: 56,
maxCarNoParkDurationToPt: 56,
maxTaxiDurationToPt: 56,
walkingSpeed: 3.4,
bikeSpeed: 3.4,
bssSpeed: 3.4,
carSpeed: 3.4,
ridesharingSpeed: 3.4,
carNoParkSpeed: 3.4,
taxiSpeed: 3.4,
forbiddenUris: ["forbiddenUris_example"],
allowedId: ["allowedId_example"],
disruptionActive: true,
dataFreshness: "dataFreshness_example",
maxDuration: 56,
wheelchair: true,
travelerType: "travelerType_example",
directPath: "indifferent",
freeRadiusFrom: 56,
freeRadiusTo: 56,
directPathMode: ["directPathMode_example"],
partnerServices: ["partnerServices_example"],
additionalTimeAfterFirstSectionTaxi: 56,
additionalTimeBeforeLastSectionTaxi: 56,
resolution: 500
) { result, rawData, error in
if let error = error {
// There was an error
} else {
// Use result Data or Raw Data
Name | Type | Note |
region | String | The region you want to query |
from | String | The id of the departure of your journey. If not provided an isochrone is computed. [optional] |
to | String | The id of the arrival of your journey. If not provided an isochrone is computed. [optional] |
datetime | Date | Date and time to go/arrive (see `datetime_represents`). Note: the datetime must be in the coverage’s publication period. [optional] |
datetimeRepresents | String | Determine how datetime is handled. Possible values: * 'departure' - Compute journeys starting after datetime * 'arrival' - Compute journeys arriving before datetime [optional] [default to departure] [enum: arrival, departure] |
maxNbTransfers | Int | Maximum number of transfers in each journey [optional] |
minNbTransfers | Int | Minimum number of transfers in each journey [optional] |
firstSectionMode | [String] | Force the first section mode if the first section is not a public transport one. `bss` stands for bike sharing system. Note 1: It’s an array, you can give multiple modes. Note 2: Choosing `bss` implicitly allows the walking mode since you might have to walk to the bss station. Note 3: The parameter is inclusive, not exclusive, so if you want to forbid a mode, you need to add all the other modes. Eg: If you never want to use a car, you need: `first_section_mode[]=walking&first_section_mode[]=bss&first_section_mode[]=bike&last_section_mode[]=walking&last_section_mode[]=bss&last_section_mode[]=bike` [optional] [enum: taxi, walking, car_no_park, car, ridesharing, bss, bike] |
lastSectionMode | [String] | Same as first_section_mode but for the last section. [optional] [enum: taxi, walking, car_no_park, car, ridesharing, bss, bike] |
maxDurationToPt | Int | Maximum allowed duration to reach the public transport (same limit used before and after public transport). Use this to limit the walking/biking part. Unit is seconds [optional] |
maxWalkingDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of walking on public transport in second [optional] |
maxBikeDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of bike on public transport in second [optional] |
maxBssDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of bss on public transport in second [optional] |
maxCarDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of car on public transport in second [optional] |
maxRidesharingDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of ridesharing on public transport in second [optional] |
maxCarNoParkDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of car no park on public transport in second [optional] |
maxTaxiDurationToPt | Int | Maximal duration of taxi on public transport in second, only available in distributed scenario [optional] |
walkingSpeed | Float | Walking speed for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
bikeSpeed | Float | Biking speed for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
bssSpeed | Float | Speed while using a bike from a bike sharing system for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
carSpeed | Float | Driving speed for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
ridesharingSpeed | Float | ridesharing speed for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
carNoParkSpeed | Float | Driving speed without car park for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
taxiSpeed | Float | taxi speed speed for the fallback sections. Speed unit must be in meter/second [optional] |
forbiddenUris | [String] | If you want to avoid lines, modes, networks, etc. Note: the forbidden_uris[] concern only the public transport objects. You can’t for example forbid the use of the bike with them, you have to set the fallback modes for this (first_section_mode[] and last_section_mode[]) [optional] |
allowedId | [String] | If you want to use only a small subset of the public transport objects in your solution. Note: The constraint intersects with forbidden_uris[]. For example, if you ask for `allowed_id[]=line:A&forbidden_uris[]=physical_mode:Bus`, only vehicles of the line A that are not buses will be used. [optional] |
disruptionActive | Bool | DEPRECATED, replaced by `data_freshness`. If true the algorithm takes the disruptions into account, and thus avoid disrupted public transport. Nota: `disruption_active=true` <=> `data_freshness=realtime` [optional] |
dataFreshness | String | Define the freshness of data to use to compute journeys. When using the following parameter `&data_freshness=base_schedule` you can get disrupted journeys in the response. You can then display the disruption message to the traveler and make a `realtime` request to get a new undisrupted solution. Possible values: * 'base_schedule' - Use theoric schedule information * 'adapted_schedule' - Use of adapted schedule information (like strike adjusting, etc.). Prefer `realtime` for traveler information as it will also contain adapted information schedule. * 'realtime' - Use all realtime information [optional] [enum: base_schedule, adapted_schedule, realtime] |
maxDuration | Int | Maximum duration of journeys in seconds (from `datetime` parameter). More usefull when computing an isochrone (only `from` or `to` is provided). On a classic journey (from-to), it will mostly speedup Navitia: You may have journeys a bit longer than that value (you would have to filter them). [optional] |
wheelchair | Bool | If true the traveler is considered to be using a wheelchair, thus only accessible public transport are used. Be warned: many data are currently too faint to provide acceptable answers with this parameter on. [optional] |
travelerType | String | Define speeds and accessibility values for different kind of people. Each profile also automatically determines appropriate first and last section modes to the covered area. Note: this means that you might get car, bike, etc. fallback routes even if you set `forbidden_uris[]`! You can overload all parameters (especially speeds, distances, first and last modes) by setting all of them specifically. We advise that you don’t rely on the traveler_type’s fallback modes (`first_section_mode[]` and `last_section_mode[]`) and set them yourself. [optional] [enum: cyclist, luggage, wheelchair, standard, motorist, fast_walker, slow_walker] |
directPath | String | Specify if direct path should be suggested [optional] [default to indifferent] [enum: indifferent, only, none, only_with_alternatives] |
freeRadiusFrom | Int | Radius length (in meters) around the coordinates of departure in which the stop points are considered free to go (crowfly=0) [optional] |
freeRadiusTo | Int | Radius length (in meters) around the coordinates of arrival in which the stop points are considered free to go (crowfly=0) [optional] |
directPathMode | [String] | Force the direct-path modes.If this list is not empty, we only compute direct_path for modes in this listAnd filter all the direct_paths of modes in first_section_mode[] [optional] [enum: taxi, walking, car_no_park, car, ridesharing, bss, bike] |
partnerServices | [String] | Expose only the partner type into the response. [optional] [enum: ridesharing] |
additionalTimeAfterFirstSectionTaxi | Int | the additional time added to the taxi section, right after riding the taxi but before hopping on the public transit [optional] |
additionalTimeBeforeLastSectionTaxi | Int | the additional time added to the taxi section, right before riding the taxi but after hopping off the public transit [optional] |
resolution | Int | Sampling resolution [optional] [default to 500] |
region: "region_example",
from: "from_example",
to: "to_example",
datetime: Date(),
datetimeRepresents: "departure",
maxNbTransfers: 56,
minNbTransfers: 56,
firstSectionMode: ["firstSectionMode_example"],
lastSectionMode: ["lastSectionMode_example"],
maxDurationToPt: 56,
maxWalkingDurationToPt: 56,
maxBikeDurationToPt: 56,
maxBssDurationToPt: 56,
maxCarDurationToPt: 56,
maxRidesharingDurationToPt: 56,
maxCarNoParkDurationToPt: 56,
maxTaxiDurationToPt: 56,
walkingSpeed: 3.4,
bikeSpeed: 3.4,
bssSpeed: 3.4,
carSpeed: 3.4,
ridesharingSpeed: 3.4,
carNoParkSpeed: 3.4,
taxiSpeed: 3.4,
forbiddenUris: ["forbiddenUris_example"],
allowedId: ["allowedId_example"],
disruptionActive: true,
dataFreshness: "dataFreshness_example",
maxDuration: 56,
wheelchair: true,
travelerType: "travelerType_example",
directPath: "indifferent",
freeRadiusFrom: 56,
freeRadiusTo: 56,
directPathMode: ["directPathMode_example"],
partnerServices: ["partnerServices_example"],
additionalTimeAfterFirstSectionTaxi: 56,
additionalTimeBeforeLastSectionTaxi: 56,
resolution: 500
) { result, rawData, error in
if let error = error {
// There was an error
} else {
// Use result Data or Raw Data