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Expert iOS

💻 Setup

In your project, add the following lines to your podfile:

source '' # Expert podspec URL

  pod 'NavitiaSDK', '2.7.2' # Expert Pod definition

Using your CLI, run pod install in your project directory.

👨‍💻 Implementation

This module is set up by calling Expert.shared.initialize().

This method takes the following parameters:

Parameter Type Required Description Default
token String Navitia API access token
env ExpertEnvironment Navitia API environment
debugEnabled Bool Log Navitia responses false
Expert.shared.initialize(token: token,
                         environment: .prod,
                         debugEnabled: true)

🚀 Launching

You can now call any endpoint from Expert.shared and its variety of functions with a completion block that will help you request Navitia. As an example:

Expert.shared.physicalModesApi.getCoverageRegionPhysicalModes(region: "YOUR_COVERAGE")  { result, rawData, error in
    if let error = error {
        // There was an error
    } else {
        // Use result Data or Raw Data