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Name Type Note
links List
departureDateTime String Departure date and time of the section [optional]
baseDepartureDateTime String Base-schedule departure date and time of the section [optional]
dataFreshness DataFreshness [optional]
duration Int Duration of the section (seconds)
id String
from Place [optional]
arrivalDateTime String Arrival date and time of the section [optional]
additionalInformations List [optional]
geojson SectionGeoJsonSchema GeoJSON of the shape of the section [optional]
ridesharingInformations RidesharingInformation [optional]
to Place [optional]
baseArrivalDateTime String Base-schedule arrival date and time of the section [optional]
transferType TransferType [optional]
type Type [optional]
streetInformations List [optional]
dynamicSpeeds List [optional]
co2Emission Amount
path List [optional]
cycleLaneLength Int [optional]
elevations List [optional]
displayInformations VJDisplayInformation [optional]
mode Mode [optional]
ridesharingJourneys List [optional]
vias List [optional]
stopDateTimes List [optional]


Name Value
BASE_SCHEDULE "base_schedule"
ADAPTED_SCHEDULE "adapted_schedule"
REALTIME "realtime"


Name Value
ODT_WITH_ZONE "odt_with_zone"
ODT_WITH_STOP_POINT "odt_with_stop_point"
ODT_WITH_STOP_TIME "odt_with_stop_time"
HAS_DATETIME_ESTIMATED "has_datetime_estimated"
REGULAR "regular"
STAY_IN "stay_in"


Name Value
WALKING "walking"
STAY_IN "stay_in"


Name Value
PUBLIC_TRANSPORT "public_transport"
STREET_NETWORK "street_network"
WAITING "waiting"
TRANSFER "transfer"
BOARDING "boarding"
LANDING "landing"
BSS_RENT "bss_rent"
BSS_PUT_BACK "bss_put_back"
CROW_FLY "crow_fly"
PARK "park"
LEAVE_PARKING "leave_parking"
ALIGHTING "alighting"
RIDESHARING "ridesharing"
ON_DEMAND_TRANSPORT "on_demand_transport"


Name Value
WALKING "walking"
BIKE "bike"
CAR "car"
BSS "bss"
RIDESHARING "ridesharing"
CARNOPARK "carnopark"
TAXI "taxi"