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Bookmark iOS

💻 Setup

In your project, add the following lines to your Podfile:

source '' # Default Cocoapods URL
source '' # Bookmark podspec URL

  pod 'BookmarkSDK', '1.9.3' # Bookmark Pod definition

# Required for XCFramework
post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['BUILD_LIBRARY_FOR_DISTRIBUTION'] = 'YES'

Using your CLI, run pod install in your project directory.

👨‍💻 Implementation


Make sure to read the modules configuration section before proceeding

This module is set up by calling Bookmark.shared.initialize() method which takes the following parameters:

Name Required Description Type Example
coverage Navitia coverage String fr-idf
token Get your token String
env Navitia environment String PROD
colors Define the custom colors AroundMeColorsConfiguration -
fonts Use custom fonts AroundMeFontsConfiguration -
lineResources List of transport lines resource IDs [LineResource] -
modeResources List of transport modes resource IDs [ModeResource] -
transportCategories List of supported transport modes [TransportCategory] -

You can also call the initialize() method with the global JSON configuration file added to your application bundle:

Name Required Description Type Example
token Get your token String
configurationJsonFile Global configuration JSON file name String configuration.json


do {
    try Bookmark.shared.initialize(
        token: "your_token", 
        configurationJsonFile: "aroundme_configuration.json"
} catch {
    Logger.error("%@", String(
        format: "Bookmark SDK cannot be initialized! %@", 
do {
    let transportCategories = [TransportCategory(
        modules: ["aroundme"],
        iconRes: "ic_section_mode_metro",
        nameRes: "metro",
        selected: true, 
        modes: [TransportCategoryMode(
            physical: TransportPhysicalMode(
                id: "physical_mode:Metro", 
                nameRes: "metro"
            commercial: TransportCommercialMode(
                id: "commercial_mode:Metro", 
                name: "Metro"
        firstSectionModes: ["walking"],
        lastSectionModes: ["walking"]

    let bookmarkColorsConfiguration = AroundMeColorsConfiguration(
        primaryColor: "#88819f", 
        secondaryColor: "#8faa96"

    try Bookmark.shared.initialize(
        coverage: "fr-idf",
        token: "your_token",
        env: "PROD",
        colors: bookmarkColorsConfiguration,
        transportCategories: transportCategories
} catch {
    Logger.error("%@", String(
        format: "Bookmark SDK cannot be initialized! %@", 

Events tracking

In order to receive the list of generated events within Bookmark module, you have to assign the instance of the tracker to the Bookmark module instance as follows and implement the required methods:

Bookmark.shared.tracker = self

🚀 Launching

This module has a single entry point. The parameter showBack handles the back button visibility on the first screen.

guard let bookmarkViewController = Bookmark.shared.rootViewController else {
    return nil
bookmarkViewController.showBack = false // Hide back button embedded in the first screen

If you want to use the rootViewController as a ChildViewController of your ViewController, you should embed it in an NavigationController.

    animated: false
    rootViewController: bookmarkViewController

📖 Manipulating data

The module provides the ability to directly manipulate data for use in custom screens.


The various CRD methods are accessed through BookmarkUI.shared.


Create a new favorite address. Returns a boolean if the creation has succeeded or not.

func addFavoriteAddress(_ address: SharedData.FavoriteAddress) -> Bool
Param Type Description
address SharedData.FavoriteAddress Favorite address to create

Create a new favorite journey. Returns a boolean if the creation has succeeded or not.

func addFavoriteJourney(_ journey: SharedData.FavoriteJourney) -> Bool
Param Type Description
journey SharedData.FavoriteJourney Favorite journey to create

Create a new favorite POI. Returns a boolean if the creation has succeeded or not.

func addFavoritePoi(_ poi: SharedData.FavoritePoi) -> Bool
Param Type Description
poi SharedData.FavoritePoi Favorite POI to create

Create a new favorite station. Returns a boolean if the creation has succeeded or not.

func addFavoriteStation(_ station: SharedData.FavoriteStation) -> Bool
Param Type Description
station SharedData.FavoriteStation Favorite station to create


Fetch a favorite address data. Returns SharedData.FavoriteAddress or nil if not found.

func fetchFavoriteAddress(id: String) -> SharedData.FavoriteAddress?
Param Type Description
id String Id of the favorite address to fetch

Fetch all favorite addresses. Returns a list of SharedData.FavoriteAddress or an empty list if there is no data.

func fetchFavoriteAddresses(max: Int) -> [SharedData.FavoriteAddress]
Param Type Description
max Int Limit the result count. 0 for all data

Fetch all favorite journeys. Returns a list of SharedData.FavoriteJourney or an empty list if there is no data.

func fetchFavoriteJourneys(max: Int) -> [SharedData.FavoriteJourney]
Param Type Description
max Int Limit the result count. 0 for all data

Get if a journey is added to favorites. Returns a boolean if the creation has succeeded or not.

func isJourneyInBookmark(journeyId: String) -> Bool
Param Type Description
journeyId String Id of the favorite journey to check

Fetch a favorite POI data. Returns SharedData.FavoritePoi or nil if not found.

func fetchFavoritePoi(id: String) -> SharedData.FavoritePoi?
Param Type Description
id String Id of the favorite POI to fetch

Fetch all favorite POIs. Returns a list of SharedData.FavoritePoi or an empty list if there is no data.

func fetchFavoritePois(max: Int) -> [SharedData.FavoritePoi]
Param Type Description
max Int Limit the result count. 0 for all data

Fetch a favorite station data. Returns SharedData.FavoriteStation or nil if not found.

func fetchFavoriteStation(stopAreaId: String, lineId: String) -> SharedData.FavoriteStation?
Param Type Description
stopAreaId String Navitia stop area id of the favorite station to fetch
lineId String Navitia line id of the favorite station to fetch

Fetch all favorite stations. Returns a list of SharedData.FavoriteStation or an empty list if there is no data.

func fetchFavoriteStations(max: Int) -> [SharedData.FavoriteStation]
Param Type Description
max Int Limit the result count. 0 for all data


v Update an existing favorite address. Returns a boolean if the update has succeeded or not.

func updateFavoriteAddress(updatedAddress: SharedData.FavoriteAddress) -> Bool

v Update an existing favorite POI. Returns a boolean if the creation has succeeded or not.

func updateFavoritePoi(updatedPoi: SharedData.FavoritePoi) -> Bool

v Update an existing favorite station. Returns a boolean if the update has succeeded or not.

func updateFavoriteStation(updatedStation: SharedData.FavoriteStation) -> Bool

v Update an existing favorite journey. Returns a boolean if the update has succeeded or not.

func updateFavoriteJourney(updatedJourney: SharedData.FavoriteJourney) -> Bool


v Delete an existing favorite address. Returns a boolean if the creation has succeeded or not.

func deleteFavoriteAddress(id: String) -> Bool
Param Type Description
id String Id of the favorite address to delete

Delete an existing favorite journey. Returns a boolean if the creation has succeeded or not.

func deleteFavoriteJourney(id: String) -> Bool
Param Type Description
id String Id of the favorite journey to delete

Delete an existing favorite POI. Returns a boolean if the creation has succeeded or not.

func deleteFavoritePoi(id: String) -> Bool
Param Type Description
id String Id of the favorite POI to delete

Delete an existing favorite station. Returns a boolean if the creation has succeeded or not.

func deleteFavoriteStation(id: String) -> Bool
Param Type Description
id String Id of the favorite station to delete



Name Required Description Type
uuid Unique database address id String
navitiaId Unique navitia id String
name Address name String
houseNumber House number Int
address Address label String
city Address city String
zipCode Address postal code String
addressTypeId Address type home, work or custom String
additionalInformation Free field to save extra data String


Name Required Description Type
uuid Unique database journey id String
journeyId Unique journey id String
fromName Departure name String
fromId Departure Navitia id String
toName Arrival name String
toId Arrival Navitia id String
connectionModes Array of connection modes. For example: ["bike", "walking"] [String]
sections Array of included journey sections [SharedData.FavoriteJourneySection]
additionalInformation Free field to save extra data String


Name Required Description Type
type Section type. Example: public_transport String
mode Section mode. Example: walking String
lineId Navitia line id String
lineCode Navitia line code String
lineTextColor Navitia line text color in HEX format String
lineColor Navitia line color in HEX format String
commercialMode Navitia public transport commercial mode. Example: commercial_mode:Bus String
physicalMode Navitia public transport physical mode. Example: physical_mode:Bus String
duration Section duration in seconds Int


Name Required Description Type
uuid Unique database POI id String
navitiaId Unique POI id String
coords POI coordinates CLLocationCoordinate2D
name POI name String
address POI address String
type POI type String
typeId Navitia POI type ID. Example: poi_type:amenity:hospital String
network Navitia POI network String
additionalInformation Free field to save extra data String


Name Required Description Type
uuid Unique database station id String
stopAreaId Navitia stop area id String
coords Station coordinates CLLocationCoordinate2D
name Station name String
lineId Navitia line id String
lineCode Line code String
lineColor Line color in HEX format String
lineTextColor Line text color in HEX format String
commercialMode Navitia public transport commercial mode. Example: commercial_mode:Bus String
physicalMode Navitia public transport physical mode. Example: physical_mode:Bus String
additionalInformation Free field to save extra data String

📣 Communicating with other modules

Bookmark module can exchange data with or navigate to either other modules.
To do this, the host application must initialize Router. This singleton will ensure communication between the different modules. Communication will not occur unless those are registered beforehand:

try Router.shared
    .register(aroundMe: Bookmark.shared.bookmarkRouter)
    ... // Register modules and/or app




Bookmark module communicates with Journey module in order to get directions for a chosen favorites element. You should enable the go_from_go_to parameter in the features configuration.

Journey module must also be registered in the Router to build the connection between these modules:

Router.shared.register(journey: JourneySdk.shared.journeyRouter)